Chorus End of Year Celebration 

We were thrilled to be approached by Unoloco to bring Chorus's 10-year celebration event to life with a comprehensive motion graphics package.

With their 10/10 logo and brand guide as a starting point, we created a cohesive set of animations and design assets for the virtual event using vibrant brand colours, for the various parts of the event.  

The event was streamed live from multiple locations, including a main studio location in Auckland featuring an LED wall stage set.

Our motion graphics package included 3D Pre-visualisation and design boards for the virtual set. A celebratory intro video, a company retrospective timeline video, animated backgrounds, and creative video masks for the LED wall, as well as 'standard' broadcast elements such as lower thirds, frames, and live bugs for the stream. We also provided design assets for use on their event microsite.

Agency: Unoloco

Producer: Ian Lawley

Client: Chorus

3D Pre-visualisation of virtual studio set

Event Branded Lower Thirds

Design frame from Timeline video

Awards background

Lower third and close up camera shot

Award Winner sting

Video masks for live camera

Video masks for live camera